arcinvest | Brisbane financial planner

Portfolio Management: Diversity

As long ago as when Benjamin Graham, the father of value investing and early influencer of Warren Buffet, was working on Wall Street developing his revolutionary economic theories, he identified and endorsed diversification as being key to good investment portfolio management.

This belief is fairly commonly held, everyone has heard the old adage, don’t put all your eggs in one basket, but exactly how many baskets should you have, how many eggs in each and what type of eggs?Continue reading

Why go all the way to Toronto for a value investing seminar?

The reason I went all the way to Toronto for a value investing seminar, is my eternal quest for value for my clients.   

There are only two Universities in the world that have value investing as a specific dedicated area of study within the University.

The first is the University of Western Ontario (Canada) where I attended the seminar.  Dr George Athanassakos, the seminar leader, teaches value investing as part of an MBA program and has written several papers on value investing.

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changing financial advisors arcinvest

Do you need to change Advisor?

Over my 25 plus years in the investment world the importance of constant review and change has been reinforced to me through many experiences.

Back in 1999 when I was with Ernst & Young’s Consulting and Advisory division it was instilled in me that if you are not changing you are going backwards.

Many of the companies I was brought in to advise were starting to struggle with cash flow and profitability. They used to have a good business and make a good profit but over the years the environment around them changed, they didn’t and their profitability started to suffer.

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