arcinvest structures your investment assets differently to most other advisers by utilising a combination of direct listed equities and managed funds.
Our unique investment process sets us ahead of most financial planners and brokers who often use solely managed funds or equities in managing your wealth. We structure your investments this way for a number of reasons:
- Saves you unnecessary fund management fees
- Diversification to reduce risk
- Greater control over where your money is invested
- Your portfolio is more personalised
- Tax effects are minimised
To deliver our service we often use the Macquarie Premium Portfolio Service, should this be the most suitable option for you. This wrap service gives you numerous benefits and extra control.
Getting To Know Your Financial Adviser
We believe wealth management is an ongoing process, changing with your changing life goals and objectives. This makes building an ongoing relationship with your financial adviser extremely important in the wealth management process.
When we are aware of changes to your personal circumstances, we can continually revise your investment strategies in order to ensure they are firmly set on your financial goals, whatever they may be.
We offer free initial consultations without any obligation to you, so that you can make a stress-free and honest decision about your investment direction. The consultation will give you the opportunity for discussion on your financial objectives and goals. It will also give us the opportunity to build an understanding of your current situation and financial needs required to achieve your desired outcome. At the end of the consultation we will recommend the best way for us to proceed together, this may include:
- a further meeting
- a full financial plan
- a partial financial plan, or;
- other options more in line with your desired outcome
These initial steps are important aspects of your financial plan, and therefore will vary from client to client depending on the individual needs, goals, and current situation. arcinvest will work with you to decide the most appropriate strategy for you. We can tailor these to your unique situation based on the above considerations as well as your investment time-frame and agreed upon risk profile.
Find out more
Talk to us today to find out more about our investment process and the right investment option for you.