The Financial Planning Process

We aim to establish a professional client-advisor relationship built on trust and communication. Seeing a financial planner can be daunting, especially if you have never had a consultation with one before. To ease you into the process, here is our 7-step Financial Planning Process.

This is what will usually happen once we commence our partnership:

 Step 1: Establish the relationship and understand your goals

The initial or introductory phase.  I introduce myself and explain the investment process to you. I will ask lots of open-ended questions to learn all about you such as:

  • Your immediate financial goals, and your long-term plans and dreams
  • What is important to you in your life, financially and otherwise
  • What worries or concerns you currently and in the future

These responses help to form a foundation and clarify your financial destination. You should feel comfortable asking us anything that is on your mind. We want to encourage a comfortable relationship as much as possible.

Step 2: Gathering the Facts and Relevant Data

We will gather relevant facts about you, and ask you about things such as your risk tolerance, debts, income, savings, superannuation, insurance, and so on.

Step 3: Analyze the Goals, Data, Develop the Strategic Plan

We will then look at all the information and data you have provided, and analyse it. Some of things I will be considering include how achievable your goals are, expected time frame, what needs to be done for this to happen, and alternative solutions for your consideration.

We will develop a strategic plan or way forward, with a solution that evolves with your needs but remains within your capabilities and risk tolerance.

Step 4: Investment Selection

We select the specific investments and build an investment portfolio utilising our value investment philosophy that fits within your strategic plan. When selecting investments, we always look for and target investments that have ESG principles.

Step 5: Present the Plan

I will go through the plan in detail, and clearly explain the recommendations.

This is still a conversation. Based on your questions, responses and concerns the plan may need to be adjusted to best suit your individual situation. The plan acts as a roadmap or a guide to help you achieve your financial goals.

Step 6: Implement the Plan

When you are completely comfortable with the plan, we then begin to implement it. This includes setting up your accounts, transferring funds, purchasing your investments, and preparing paperwork for your signature.

 Step 7: Ongoing Monitor and Review

Plans evolve and change just like life, meaning they need to be monitored and tweaked from time to time. We continually access your investment portfolio, and make adjustment recommendations as changing prices and values dictate.


Ready to begin?

Book your complimentary consultation today and make the most of your financial assets.