Why choose arcinvest?
We structure your investment assets differently to most other advisers who tend to use managed funds or equities independently to mange your wealth. arcinvest use a combination of direct listed equities and managed funds to provide you with the best return on your investment assets. Some advantages of our method include:
- saving you unnecessary fund management fees
- reduced risk as your funds are diversified
- greater control over your funds
- a more personalised investment portfolio
- minimised tax effects
Our service is delivered using the Macquarie Premium Portfolio Service to give you numerous benefits and extra control.
Changing financial advisers
Changing service providers is hard, whether it’s your accountant, solicitor, hairdresser or investment adviser. We tend to stick with service providers we’ve established a relationship with even if we aren’t necessarily happy with the service. We often settle for an unsatisfactory outcome like a sub-optimal tax return or an underwhelming haircut because there is limited risk and doing your research to find a suitable new service provider can be time consuming.
Finding a good financial adviser and establishing a new relationship of trust can be daunting but well-worth the effort.
Take a look at our case study on changing financial advisers here.
How do I know if I should change advisers?
Change can be hard, but when you are dealing with investments that you need to support you in retirement, you need to look carefully at your options and ask yourself if you are happy with the level of service and performance.
If you are unhappy or concerned about your current financial planning service provider, please contact us to book a confidential consultation to establish your financial planning goals and investment strategy. All our initial consultations are complimentary with no strings attached.