the undoing project

The Undoing Project : A Friendship That Changed Our Minds – another great read

The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis tells the story of the deep friendship and intellectual collaboration  between the two Israeli psychologists who invented “behavioural economics”, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky.

The result of Kahneman and Tversky’s “bromance” was not only behavioural economics but the establishment of the cognitive rules for human irrationality that has arguably done as much to define our world.

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investing is an emotional issue

Investing is an Emotional Issue

Timing is important when it comes to making sound financial decisions as is emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognise your emotions, and understanding their effect on your decisions can lead to better decision making.

It can also be argued that investors who fail to recognise and manage their emotions effectively, are in danger of making poor judgements in the first place, or of overreacting later when things don’t go as initially anticipated.

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investing and sport

Investing and Sport

I recently had the good fortune to be invited by Platinum Funds Management to attend a presentation by former Australian Rugby Union player, Ben Darwin.

Since his career ending neck injury, Ben has established a sports analytics company and his anecdotes had interesting correlations with investing.

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behavioural investing

Behavioural Investing II

The most recent recipient of the Nobel Prize for economics was Richard Thaler for his work in pioneering behavioural economics.

His research showed people do not always make rational decisions. This contradicts economic theory which relies on people making rational decisions.

His studies showed people often make decisions that don’t serve their best interests and do so consistently.  He brought economics and the psychological analysis of  decision making together.

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6 Reasons to Invest

Six Reasons to Invest

We all know saving money for the future is a good idea but saving is just the first step towards future financial planning. Investing to grow your savings or indeed to create savings for the future is the ideal method to achieve future financial prosperity.  Here are our top six reasons to invest:

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