Financial Advice | arcinvest | Brisbane Financial Planner

What is the value of Advice?

Many investors believe the value of seeing an Investment Advisor or Financial Planner is in the investment advice, such as choosing which funds to use or shares to buy.

Whilst this advice can make a difference and is an important part of the process, the greatest value is in planning to achieve core lifestyle goals and objectives.

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Good Management

Assessing the management of a company

Working out a company’s value can mean pouring over its financial statements, analysing the quality of its business operations, assessing competitive position, returns on equity, earnings growth, and the list goes on.

However, one thing  missing from this list is the importance of the quality of management in a business.

Management may make decisions that are, while in their best interests, not in the interests of the company. This is called agency risk.

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arcinvest | financial planner

Global Financial Crisis (GFC): 10 Years On

The date Lehmann Brothers filed for bankruptcy- September 15, 2008 – marked the worst of the GFC.

10 years is a long time. A decade in the markets is even longer.

New advisors and bankers who are at the beginning of their careers will have only experienced the low interest rates and liquidity that Governments around the world undertook to combat the effects of the GFC.Continue reading

The power of compounding

I was recently asked to give an impromptu speech to share the words of wisdom I would give my 16-year old self.

My short speech was to explain the power of compounding.

It is an understanding I am trying to impart to my children of how compounding interest or returns work in your favour over time.

Of course, my children politely listen to me explain the power of compounding, roll their eyes and say, “Yes Daddy I understand.”  I ask questions like, “Do you want me to buy that lego set now or a car when you turn 50?”  I am not sure those questions help, turning 18 is an eternity when you are young.

Warren Buffet, the world’s third richest man, certainly understands the effect of compounding.  As a child he gained an understanding of what compounding could do and it has shaped his whole life.

It is one thing to understand compound interest but applying it is where the magic happens.  The sooner you start the greater the result. Continue reading

Words of wisdom from the world’s fourth richest person – Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett, founder of investment company Berkshire Hathaway and the world’s fourth richest man, sends an annual letter to shareholders that is also eagerly awaited by his followers.

I have been reading and collecting his letters for many years as they give an insight into Buffett’s value investing philosophy and his investment mind that has presided over Berkshire Hathaway’s compounded annual gain of 19.1% p.a. since 1965.  Continue reading

Luck in Investing

Chasing the Dream

People love to dream, they dream of the big pay-off, winning the lottery, a forgotten uncle leaving them a fortune in their will, finding gold or making a fortune on a speculative share.

Why else do we spend so much on lottery tickets when the odds are against us? Only around 60% of lottery ticket sales are redistributed in winnings and this is before you even count the odds of having the winning ticket. This is not the basis for a sound decision.Continue reading

avoid speculative bubbles

How can I avoid getting caught in speculative bubbles?

Why is it that many investors get caught up in the hype of making a quick fortune and instead experience poor or mediocre results?

The financial world is littered with examples of speculative bubbles.  This is often when common sense goes out the window and people get caught in the lure of making easy money.  And it doesn’t seem to matter that these bubbles and the disasters that can follow are well documented.

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